The Chablais Open will be held on 3 different fields (A, B and C). Running 3 fields allows us to take 70 entries. There will be different flocks of sheep on each field. We greatly appreciate the trust of the owners in lending their sheep to us and kindly thank them for their cooperation.
Rules to the Chablais Open:
International Handler can enter max 2 dogs (6 runs per dog)
Costs including Saturday dinner CHF 200 for first dog, second dog CHF 180.
Entries open on this website on April 1st, 2023 at 11 o’clock. Entries will close once the maximum entries are reached. You will receive an email confirming your entry as well as the payment conditions. If payment is made by given date, your entry is confirmed. If payment is not received by given date, another handler on waiting list will receive your slot.
We look forward to welcoming you all to this great competition and are excited to run a very successful first Chablais Open.
Recommended Accommodations:
At the headquarters (field A) will be a campsite. Campsite with electricity, toilets and showers.
Campsite/night CHF 15
An die Schweizer Starter:
Es werden 15 Plätze für Schweizer Hundeführer freigehalten. Es gilt 1 Platz pro Person. Es kann beliebig auf 2 Hunde aufgeteilt werden. Sobald die Anmeldung geschlossen ist, werden freie Startplätze an Schweizer Handler vergeben. Mit der Anmeldung verpflichtet man sich Helfer Einsätze zu leisten.
Es wird ein Camping beim Hauptquartier angeboten. WC und Dusche werden euch vor Ort angeboten.
Preis pro Nacht: 15.00 CHF.